Are you coming to this year’s Peace Fibre Fest on April 30? If you’re interested in helping out, email us at, or sign up for the volunteer information list at the bottom of any page on the site.
We’ve purchased some advertising, but we would love your help spreading the word about the fibre fest! Click here to download a copy of our poster. It’s 8.5 x 11” so it can be printed on regular paper, and can be printed in colour or in black and white. Please feel free to print it and share it in your neighbourhood, with your local craft groups, etc. See you in a month!
Thanks so much to our awesome sponsors!
Be sure to check out their booths and shops!
Weasel Works in Edmonton, AB - Booth 18 at the Peace Fibre Fest -
Hippy Strings in Sexsmith, AB - Booth 13 at the Peace Fibre Fest -
Cheryl Peebles Studio & Gallery in Fort St. John, BC - Booth 14 at Peace Fibre Fest - CherylPeeblesStudioGallery on Facebook
Faking Sanity in Dawson Creek, BC - Booth 1 at Peace Fibre Fest -
Class is in session!
Check out the class tab for details on this year’s classes. Registration is now open, so you can start planning your day! Jyust click on the link in the class description!
Updated Vendor List
Check out our updated vendor list. There are some new names you’re going to love!
What’s a fibre fest without classes? We’ve spoken to several people about classes for this year’s event, and we’re super excited to add both crochet and felting classes this year. We’re working on knitting, spinning and weaving classes too, so stay tuned! Check the Classes link at the top of the page to see new classes as they appear and to sign up once registration opens!
Travelling to Dawson Creek for the PFF?
How about a hotel discount for you? The Super 8 by Wyndham on Alaska Highway is offering a special discount for our vendors and attendees this year. It’s right on Alaska Avenue, so it’s super easy access, and has lots of free parking. To get the discount, do not book online or call the 800 number. Call our local hotel directly, at 250-782-8899, and ask for the Peace Fibre Fest special rate, which will get you a King or Double Queen room for $110. The rate includes breakfast, wifi and access to their fitness room, plus there’s a great restaurant (Sola’s Bar and Grill) attached.
General Vendor Applications are Now Open
Our general applications for the 2023 Peace Fibre Fest are now open! Click over on the Vendor tab to download our application. Spaces tend to fill up quickly, so submit your application as soon as possible if you’re interested in being a vendor or sponsor.
2023 Vendor Applications Open Soon
Ther email to past vendors just went out, and general applications will open on January 20th. Stay tuned!
2 sleeps!
Just 2 sleeps left until the Peace Fibre Fest! We’re so excited! Check out our final vendor list, and the show floor layout here to plan your day! Just click on either to zoom in.
There’s no bank machine at the venue, but we do have Peace Fibre Fest gift cards available for purchase at Faking Sanity (or at the Faking Sanity booth) that you can use at any fibre fest booth on the show floor if you only have debit or credit and a vendor is only taking cash or gift certificate.